Drupal feeds file size 2 mb
Drupal feeds file size 2 mb

drupal feeds file size 2 mb

We do not host videos as they take up a great deal of space and slow down our servers when they stream. If you have a video that is being produced for you for future viewing, please consider adding captions for accessibility. Yes, you can! Adding a video does require a little preparation but ultimately putting it on the page is simple. Helpful Tips, Tricks, and Website Examples Send Brian an email if you think you are due for an upgrade.


If your website does not resize for a phone and has rounded corners at the top of the page, we need to update your site to the latest version. We are running three different versions of Drupal, and there is a massive push to update all of the older Drupal 6 sites. A CMS is a technology between a database that stores all the information and the web pages that appear in your web browser.

drupal feeds file size 2 mb

Our websites run on a CMS (Content Management System) called Drupal. The most common question is always: What is Drupal? All knowledge levels are welcomed, whether you regularly update your department’s website, want to improve the functionality of your site, or just want to know how something on the internet works.

drupal feeds file size 2 mb

Please submit questions for Brian to answer either at his monthly Drupal+ training sessions or in a future Loyola at a Glance email. Each week, Brian McCormick (Bri FYI) from the Office of Marketing and Communications web team shares helpful tips, tricks, and examples for updating your websites.

Drupal feeds file size 2 mb